Dental Blogs

Smile With Confidence

Sealants: A Simple Way to Fight Tooth Decay

Does it feel like pulling teeth to get your child to brush and floss every day? Instilling good hygiene in your little one can often be a struggle, but you do not have to fight this battle alone! Pediatric dentists can help you win the war on tooth decay simply...

5 Smart Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Have a dental appointment scheduled sometime soon? Sit back, relax and get ready to open your mouth – but not just to have it examined! Taking your smile to the next level involves more than just a routine checkup and cleaning; for truly noticeable changes, you'll need to...

The Story on Soda: Your Soft Drink Questions Answered

Sorry to burst your bubble, but the reality is that no matter how refreshing that sweet, fizzy soda (or 'pop') tastes, there's a chance it could be doing some damage to your teeth. But with so many products on the market, are they all really that bad for you?

Answers to...

Teeth Polishing: Traditional vs. Prophy-Jet

When you schedule professional dental cleanings, you expect hands-on treatment and cleaning techniques. But, what happens when dentists begin using instruments that no longer require contact with your teeth to do their job? The results may surprise you!

Today, more dentists are using Prophy-Jets, rather than traditional hand pieces to polish...

Receding Gums: Are Your Teeth in Peril?

No cavities, no problem, right? Wrong! Even the straightest and whitest of teeth can fall prey to a serious case of receding gums, a common condition that can sneak up and do some damage before many individuals realize it's even a problem.

While a...

Sealants: Stop Cavities Before They Begin

Imagine you could protect your smile and preserve good oral health. Would you do it? In all likelihood the answer is yes and, with sealants, you can.

Few oral issues can be fully preempted or prevented. After all, genetics and other factors can play...

In Defense of Root Canals: The Unsung Hero of Dental Care

Think you might need a root canal? It's not the end of the world, nor is it as torturous as you might think! Even though a root canal is usually the last resort for decayed teeth, when compared with other alternatives, it's...

High-Tech Toothbrushes: Is It Worth Going Electric?

The verdict is in: electric toothbrushes are here to stay, and they mean business for your teeth! By now, you've probably seen them on the shelves, on TV or in magazines. Dentists endorse them, and most are ADA-approved — but if you still swear by your manual toothbrush,...

Let Clear The Air: Smokeless Tobacco Still Means Trouble!

Chew it, dip it, suck it or 'snuff' it–there's no smoke involved with many forms of tobacco, but no matter how you use it, you're still playing with fire! While cigarettes catch a lot of heat for causing lung cancer, many don't realize that other types of nicotine...

Decisions, Decisions: Dentures or Implants?

You are ready to get your smile back, but which treatment is right for you? For many adults looking to replace missing teeth, the choice typically comes down to dentures versus dental implants — both of which have pro's and con's.

To find out which option is...

Ditch Discolored Fillings for These Newer, Lighter Options

Still flashing a bit of silver when you smile? Cavities can happen to anyone, but the whole world doesn't have to know about them! If you've been living with old, discolored fillings, there's never been a better time to have them replaced.

Find out how new fillings can benefit...

Dental 911: How to Handle Common Teeth Crises

Dental nightmares can come true, as much as you hope it doesn't happen to you! If you're lucky, a quick call to the dentist can get you seen immediately, but what happens if disaster strikes when the office is closed, you're traveling, or some other less than ideal...

Smilecloud Family Dental